
Eesti kunstiklassika sügisoksjon 2019

Lugupeetud kunstisõbrad! Vernissage galerii sügisoksjon toimub reedel, 15. novembril 2019. aastal Tallinnas, Mustpeade Majas, Pikk tn 26. Oksjon algab kell 19:00, uksed avatakse kell 18:00. Enampakkumisele tulevate teoste näitus on avatud Vernissage galeriis ja kodulehel www.vernissage.ee Kokku pannakse enampakkumisele erinevatest kunstižanritest 52 eriilmelist eesti kunstnike teost 43 autorilt. Esindatud on Tonis Grenzsteini, Felix...

Fantastic art fair in Stockholm.

Vernissage gallery was taking part in the Affordable Art Fair 2019!- International Art Exhibition, 10-13 October 2019 with works by Estonian artists. So, here we are in the last day of what has been a fantastic art fair in Stockholm. Lots of positive feedback from the many interesting clients about our...

Kom Koch träffa oss på stand C10 på Affordable Art Fair i Stockholm. Vi kommer att visa konstverk av Philiph A. Luik

Vernissage gallery is taking part in the Affordable Art Fair 2019!- International Art Exhibition, 10-13 October 2019 with works by Estonian artists. Come and meet us in stand C10 at the Affordable Art Fair (10-13 October) in Stockholm. We will be presenting artworks by Philiph A. Luik Kom och träffa oss på...